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This emotional crime drama follows the desperate search of a father when his nine year old son disappears one morning on the way to school.​ 

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Forty-eight hours since Edgar Anderson was last seen around 8:00 a.m. en route to school. We're urging anybody with information, however small, please come forward. Pick up the phone and help us bring Edgar home.


Letting him walk to school, is that a decision you regret?


Be brave! Be different!


Tell Mom what you're working on. -His name is Eric.


Missing Persons, Detective Ledroit.


Mark up every door you've knocked on, every area you've searched.


Do you have any comment?


Press are going crazy over this. -Do you have a suspect?


We¡¯re ruling nothing out.


They're saying if he was alive, you would've found him by now.


You have to trust me.


What are you doing with Edgar's drawings?


I'm working on a new puppet. If we can get him on the show, then Edgar will see him. He'll know how much we want him to come home.


You're going crazy.


He's the monster that every child wants when they are lost and need to be found. This is Edgar's idea, and I wanna make it real.


Gets kind of lonely in this city. It's so dark underground.


You're not alone, Eric.


The kid's been gone for over a week.


Don't give up on him.


Eric is gonna help me find Edgar.


Oh, Vincent, Vincent, Vincent.​


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1. Can you provide any updates on the search for Edgar Anderson and any new leads that have emerged?

2. How are you ensuring that all possible avenues are being explored in the investigation to bring Edgar home safely?

3. What steps are being taken to involve the community and raise awareness about Edgar's disappearance to gather more information and support for the search efforts?​

2024-05-07 ¿ÀÈÄ 5:25:52
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